Wednesday, March 25, 2020

They Can't Handle the Truth

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gave us this Wuhan Flu pandemic, and stop trying to convince us otherwise:

Right now the Chinese government -- not all Chinese people around the world, you dumb libs who see racism everywhere, but the Chinese government -- is devoting all of its resources to a massive "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" propaganda campaign against the United States. China has sent armies of bots and trolls to swarm Twitter and other social media platforms, harassing and lying to anybody who dares to tell the truth about China's responsibility for this virus. China has either paid or coerced mainstream American media outlets into spreading brazen Chinese Communist Party propaganda. The Chinese have been lying about the virus from the beginning, they're solely responsible for this pandemic, and they will continue to lie as long as they can get away with it. If we thought China was ever going to be our ally, those days are over now. (Sorry, Joss Whedon.)

The Chinese Coronavirus Party covered their epidemic up long enough to spread to the rest of the world and become a pandemic.

And I'll be damned if I won't call it the Wuhan Flu because idiots worry that correctly noting where it started will lead to unjustified prejudice against Asians or Asian Americans:

Hopefully he never insulted Spain by mentioning the "Spanish" Flu. And more fun with "problematic" names (tip to Instapundit). Some people are simply morons. Or more likely people just rationally reacting to a system that rewards moronic statements. The latter is far more dangerous to the republic. And actually, given the Chinese (along with their Russian and Iranian vassals) effort to avoid responsibility by blaming America and given the left wing media's shameful shilling for China's efforts to deflect blame over the coronavirus by saying references to Wuhan are racist, I am now firmly committed to calling the COVID19 coronavirus "Wuhan Flu" from now on. Always.

We can fight mindless discrimination or abuse with our laws without ignoring the obvious of the source reality. [UPDATED sentence to clarify]

So yeah, you're Goddamned right America ordered the Code Red Chinese:

We don't have the luxury of playing silly PC virtue signaling games.

NOTE: And yeah, it should have been the American Flu and not the Spanish Flu but for progressive dictatorial media laws under Woodrow Wilson.

UPDATE: I didn't start calling the covid19 virus the Wuhan Flu because Trump called it the Chinese Virus to rebuke the Chinese Communist Party propaganda to blame America for what China did. So Trump's decision to stop using the term doesn't mean I stop.

Perhaps Trump made a deal with China where he stops using the term and China doesn't make good on its threats to halt drug sales to America. Who knows?

But I'm still angry with the CCP for what it has done to the world. So Wuhan Flu, it remains.