Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Global Warming Has Begun Many Times

While climate scientists debate how long the "pause" in global warming will last before it rockets up again to destroy us all, perhaps they could also tell us when it began.

I know I've had posts on this before, but it doesn't hurt to repeat it. Just when did global warming start?

I'm a "denier," it seems. I accept that mankind is putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and I don't deny that in theory this should warm the planet. That should be the basis for accepting it all, should it not?

What I deny is that the warming from the mid-1970s to a the late-1990s is unique in the history of climate. Even decades-long trends are not long enough to draw conclusions.

I deny that we can say mankind is responsible for whatever warming we've seen given the long history of changing climate and given that even if we are in a "pause" of global warming, natural factors are obviously more important than what man is doing since human-produced carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in the atmosphere and we aren't warming.

I deny that the models provide data about the future. The outputs about future climate are not data, and are even less reliable than the massaged data from the past that the climate scientists say accurately reflects the past. If past data was accurate, wouldn't the models be able to "postdict" climate up to now after plugging in data from 50 years ago? Or 100? Or 150? Or however long ago you want to say global warming caused by mankind started?

And I most certainly deny that the fanatics in the global warming movement who cry that "the end is nigh" should be trusted with controlling our economy and even private lives to prevent their prophecies of damnation.

Oh, and I deny that what the global warming fanatics are practicing is "science."

You'd think when global warming began is a simple question. It is not. But trying to answer it makes you confront that past warming has ended with cooling. Without man's impact on it at all. And then you, too, might become a "denier."

So yeah, I'm a heretic denier. Go sort your recyclables and leave me the ef alone.

Now go and emit no more.