Thursday, July 08, 2010

A Long Time Ago, In a Place Far, Far Away ...

Self Esteem

We've heard that NASA has the mission of promoting Moslem self esteem for their purported contributions to science, math, and engineering.

This has inspired much derision. As I commented at Transterrestrial Musings, however, if finding those contributions is our goal, NASA is a good choice for the mission:

I think NASA is perfect to search for Moslem contributions to science and technology. They can detect planets around distant stars, can’t they?

Fire up Hubble, I say! We'll find that sucker yet.

Another commenter hit it on the head:

Muslims have plenty of self-esteem. What they lack is esteem for non-Muslims.

And then there's the problem that a lot feel pretty good about themselves when they kill Infidels or Moslems not up to their standards of the faith.

The really funny thing is that I have no basic problem with the president's space policy. But this stuff should be on the Onion web site.