Monday, March 16, 2009

Greetings, Earthlings

Fareed Zakaria continues his letters to the Earthlings from whatever planet he lives on. the headline says it all:

Obama has made striking moves to fix U.S. foreign policy—and that has set off a chorus of criticism.

Yeah, keeping us safe since 9/11 and liberating 50 million people by destroying two of our enemies required fixing. And my survey of the world during the Bush administration certainly showed we had friends and allies contrary to the caricature of the nuanced about the effects of Bush's foreign policy.

"Fixing" our foreign policy seems to involve snubbing or slighting our allies (Brazil, Colombia, Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, The Baltic states, Georgia, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, India, Taiwan, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to name a few I can think of off the top of my head) either with sloppiness or by reaching out to their enemies.

How is sucking up to enemies and throwing allies under the bus "fixing" our foreign policy?

In the Land of Zakaria, anything is possible.

Zakaria should really just get a room if it is going to be all leg tingles, all the time, in his analysis of the Obama presidency.