Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Road to Tehran

NATO is seriously considering getting Iran to open up a supply route to Afghansitan? How bad are our supply lines through Pakistan and Russia to consider this?

Pentagon and NATO planners, as part of an effort to consider every contingency, have studied Iranian routes from the port of Chabahar, on the Arabian Sea, that link with a new road recently completed by India in western Afghanistan. The route is considered shorter and safer than going through Pakistan.

“In the course of prudent planning, our military planners have looked at virtually every conceivable avenue of supplying our forces in Afghanistan,” said Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary. “However, as you would expect, they have done so with an eye on logistical feasibility rather than political reality.”

I know I've mentioned it would be nice to have a supply line through Iran, but I had completely different circumstances in mind.

Still, with so many more troops heading for Afghanistan, knowing those roads would also be helpful for an Anabasis in case we have to fight our way out of Afghanistan.

Or if we just invade Iran to support a revolution in progress. Bush was so demonized by the loyal opposition that he couldn't attack Iran without getting impeached and handed over to the UN by our Congress. But President Obama? Like I've written, he'd get the Nobel Peace Prize for nuking Tehran.

So map out those roads in Iran. You never can tell when that knowledge will come in handy.