Friday, January 18, 2008

Ths spirit of the Age

I'm working on a project and in the course of it I ran across an older post from my old site that I want here in case I'm searching (the old site is tough to search).

While I think Mark Steyn is right to worry about unassimilated Moslems overtaking Europeans demographically, I don't think the end result will be an Islamic Europe. When we look at how pacifist Europeans are with their hopes for a post-warfare world, it may be hard to argue against the worst outcome.

Personally, I think the Europeans will let the problem get worse while they ignore it.

And then they'll go all Medieval on the jihadis inside Europe:

A strange Green-Green alliance that seeks to stifle debate over the impact of unassimilated Moslems in Europe grips Europe and prevents constructive responses.

Lack of assimilation if these Moslems and the various no-go zones in European cities from France to Sweden seem to argue that the Moslems will change Europe and take over in the face of soft Europeans who will allow themselves to be killed off and kicked out of power.

I think history teaches us something else. This is not the first time that Europeans have seemed soft. Edward Creasy, in 1851, wrote, "It is an honorable characteristic of the spirit of this age, that projects of violence and warfare are regarded among civilized states with gradually increasing aversion." These are the people who had another round of colony grabbing and two world wars of immense slaughter ahead of them. The Europeans got over that aversion to violence and warfare with some enthusiasm. Or at least skill.

I think history teaches us that the continent that has organized violence with the most skill and enthusiasm of anybody else will react to the threat of Islam gunning them down in their homes with sustained violence until they win. If Islam thinks they will take Europe from within, they will find that Europeans will be ruthless (again) in their own defense. And the EU will make sure the defense will be coordinated and not ripe for playing one European state off another as the Islamic world did for so long when Islam was far stronger than they are today.

Europe's pacifism came after the bloodletting of two world wars and the constant fear of a third during the Cold War plus the ability to safely let American defend them while they licked their wounds from the 20th Century.

Unless we succeed in helping Islam cure itself of the jihadi fever that explodes in European suburbs, we won't be able to defend Europe from the growing threat from within. So when the Europeans realize that they are in danger, they will do what is necessary--and probably a whole lot more in the brutality department--to end the threat. It will be the spirit of that age, I think.