Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Working Out Terms of America's Surrender

It is highly likely that a Biden decision to reach out to Iran for a new nuclear deal is tantamount to a decision to lose the war in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan, too. 

This is depressing (tip to Instapundit):

While the US’s leverage over Israel is diminishing, Iran’s leverage over the US grows. The US cannot achieve a peaceful and staged withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan without Iran’s permission. The Biden administration is determined to return to the Iran Deal, if only to restore the reputations of the Obama-era diplomats who negotiated it. The Iranians, in or out of a deal, know they can make a break for a nuclear weapon any time they like, that the US won’t use force, and that it would do its best to restrain Israel too.

I did say that the fluffing of Biden's pinprick strike on Iran's militia in Syria was a bad message to send:

Biden technically retaliated for an Iranian-backed attack on a base with American personnel. But it was calibrated to be insignificant. ...

That's the unambiguous signal the air strike sent to Iran. Nothing will stand in the way of Iran Nuclear Deal 2.0.

A new nuclear deal will strengthen Iran and increase their ability to undermine Iraq and Afghanistan. The deal itself will deter America from fighting back against Iranian influence in Iraq and Afghanistan because Iran is our "peace partner." 

America led long and expensive efforts to turn two enemies that supported terrorism into imperfect allies who kill jihadis. Neither has to be a peaceful, bike trail-building paradise. Are we really going to ignore the fact that Iraqi and Afghan governments kill jihadis every day. They do that with the support of American troop strength in both countries of about 2,500 (plus allies) who have few direct ground combat roles. 

Yes, we won those wars.

But that will be lost and we will be back to 2000 when Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan posed their own unique threats to America. 

Oh, and Iran will still go nuclear under the shield of another toothless nuclear deal. 

Why do the Democrats have such a strange love for mullah-run Iran? 

Have a super sparkly day.