Friday, March 05, 2021

Is Nuance Just Bad Memory With a Sneer?

Many Americans are pleased that France is openly against American woke culture undermining France. But don't embrace France for defending freedom just yet. 

France's battle against woke cancel culture is just one front in a French war against American influence in Europe. France once kicked NATO out of France. Now within the European Union, France wants to kick NATO out of Europe. Macron is weaponizing nuance to resist American influence

In an interview with the Financial Times last week, Macron defended his previous criticism of NATO, saying: "Nobody can tell me that today’s NATO is a structure that, in its foundations, is still pertinent. It was founded to face down the Warsaw Pact. There is no more a Warsaw Pact."

Macron is wrong about the foundation of NATO. The French are perhaps not fully informed about NATO given that France pulled out of NATO's command structure for much of the Cold War. French memory may be incomplete, eh?

NATO was formed in 1949 to face down the USSR. The Warsaw Pact was a pretend alliance concealing Soviet absolute control over their Eastern European vassal states. Moscow set that up in 1955 well after the real NATO alliance was formed. 

Russia is the successor state to the USSR. 

Russia is weaker than the USSR. Russia is further east from the heart of Europe.

But Russia is still a direct military threat to NATO's small eastern states. Freedom's frontier is further east because of NATO. 

So don't fall for French ploys to eject America from Europe.

NATO will keep Russia from pushing that border west again. The European Union will accept a reverse Brest-Litovsk Treaty that abandons control of eastern Europe to the jackals in order to entrench the EU imperial state.