Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The European Union Cannot Be Trusted

The European Union is not America's friend. And we know they lie because their lips are moving.

An independent EU military force separate from NATO would provide security and economic benefits, the EU thinks:

In an interview with POLITICO, Graziano stepped into the fraught political debate over whether Europe can aspire to “strategic autonomy” in the military sphere — the extent to which the bloc along with regional allies such as the U.K. can deter aggressors and intervene with military power beyond its borders. Yes, the EU’s military capabilities are limited, but growing them would bring security and economic benefits, so the thinking goes.

What security benefits would be superior to that provided by NATO? 

And the economic benefits could be realized with common European weapons purchases regardless of the status of an EU military. 

As has been obvious over the last four years, Europe is unwilling to spend money for defense within NATO. If Europeans build an EU military, it will be at the expense of financing NATO capabilities. As the EU's top military official said, "it’s not a matter of spending more but spending better." "Better" according to the EU means funding the EU military and not NATO. 

Oh, and I find it amusing that a stronger EU would supposedly have Britain as a military partner. The EU has spent the last 4-1/2 years punishing Britain for Brexit, yet now British military capabilities are to be relied upon for intervention abroad? 

The only purpose of an EU military is to destroy NATO and therefore eject American influence from Europe. If you doubt that, look at one of the benefits the EU could achieve with its new military status:

One of those, [the EU top military official] suggested, was to play a role between the U.S. and China as the latter continues its economic and military rise.

Ah, Europe wants a role "between" free and democratic America which has spent a century helping to defend Europe on the one hand, and autocratic, Communist-run China which threatens freedom on the other hand. It is no shock that the proto-imperial state would extend professional courtesy to the imperial state, eh?

Ah, nuance. An armed EU is a dangerous EU far more likely to side against America and lose its freedoms. It is in America's interests that the EU die, with festering boils.