Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Restoring Media Standard Operating Procedure

The media took a temporary leave of absence for the last four years from their "look at the mess the new president inherited" genre. 

But now it is full-speed ahead! I didn't practice it the last four years. I have little patience for the genre

Not that I support Trump troop draw downs in Afghanistan or Iraq. I think it is too risky. Although Afghan forces may be much more capable now than they were four years ago and able to stand with less direct support on the ground. 

But if air power isn't enough, Biden can change that quickly just as Trump rapidly changed approaches in Iraq and Afghanistan to escalate involvement after he became president. 

I suspect much of the media would rather whine about Trump than argue the merits for stronger engagement because at heart they want to retreat everywhere. It's quite the media dilemma for the Biden era: Support retreat and let enemies (who, they think, deserve to win over evil--or at least morally compromised--America) win? Or condemn and blame Trump for drawing down.

I suspect they will embrace the healing power of "and" to blame Trump for not winning and saying his failure means it is "too late" to win now so we'd best get out now, just as they did when Obama became president and decided to escalate the Afghanistan war dramatically.

UPDATE: Of course, the reverse is true, too. Nothing inherited can be good. The hollowness of Biden's claim that he plans to deploy 100 million Xi Jinping Flu vaccine doses in his first 100 days is exposed by the fact that Trump is basically handing those 100 million doses to Biden. Ah, science! Bravo.  

UPDATE: A Wuhan Fever! Alleged Chinese Spy Got So Close To Democrat Eric Swalwell That ‘Alarmed’ FBI Had To Intervene: Report. Tip to Instapundit. 

I'd have thought the Attractive Girls Union would have been the intervening alarmed party rather than the FBI.

In the new era's SOP, this is not scandalous and alarming news. Move along.