Friday, December 18, 2020

Plunging Into the Chimerastans

Is China's long-range planning working to America's advantage?

China is building its energy footprint in Kazakhstan

In the long term, Kazakhstan is the most important partner for China’s strategic priority to shift trade and energy dependence from sea to land.

Russia has to be nervous as China builds new trade and energy links through former Soviet states in Central Asia that China will want to defend against threats:

China's investments in their new Silk Road to Europe and Africa requires military protection.  ...

I've long wanted Chinese military power sucked west and inland rather than being pointed at America and our Pacific Rim allies and friends.

Not only does splitting Chinese military efforts reduce the threat to our Pacific Rim allies and friends, it draws in new allies and friends worried about Chinese expansion. India is Example A but Vietnam is also worried enough to seek our help.

And who knows if the shock of Chinese plans will redirect Pakistan from their disturbing path? Russia itself might finally end their subliminal appeasement of China (hidden by hostility to the West as if NATO is an actual threat).

 I love it when a plan comes together.