Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Funding the NATO Option

Sweden decided to dramatically increase their defense spending to re-arm in the face of Russian threats:

The plan will see the armed forces grow from the current 55,000 positions to 90,000 by 2030. Several disbanded regiments will be reestablished and the number of conscripts will increase to 8,000 annually, which is a doubling compared with 2019. The Navy will receive new equipment, including a fifth submarine, and upgrades in armaments.

I've mentioned this spending decision a couple months ago. And more recently wrote:

Sweden is reaching out to Finland for military cooperation and is now in favor of considering the "NATO option" if it would help Sweden's security.  Good. But Sweden should remember that NATO has to accept their application to join.

Russia is weak enough compared to the USSR that small bordering states are motivated by Russian hostility to arm up rather than submit to Moscow's domination. 

Which will make them a prize for NATO to get rather than being a burden.