Friday, November 27, 2020

The Empire Sees Hope in the New World

I don't want to hear one damn word from political "Europe" about trans-Atlantic relations.

A former president of the proto-imperial European Union parliament sets out the case for blaming Trump for poor trans-Atlantic relations:

Over the next four years, Euro-Atlantic relations deteriorated to an unprecedented level as the U.S. president embraced Brexit, abandoned the Paris climate accords and damned the European Union as a “foe.” Europeans watched in dismay as Trump detonated the Iran deal, belittled NATO allies, paralyzed the World Trade Organization and abandoned the World Health Organization in the midst of a global pandemic.

He goes on with some odd blaming of sketchy Americans for dividing Europeans from each other. I won't bother with that nonsense other than saying maybe look in the mirror and east to Russia for that development.

As to his charges?

The British were right to leave the EU and America was right to support Brexit. What were we supposed to do, join the EU in trying to sabotage the views of a majority of the British people?

The Paris climate accords are worthless--as climate activists charged before America left it--and left unsaid is that America has reduced carbon emissions dramatically outside of the agreement. Europe? Not so much. And I'll note what is never noted. Europe's targets for carbon emission reductions are fixed at 1990. Why then? Because that year included heavy industries from former Warsaw Pact countries that spewed lots of carbon in the air. And those industries shut down without any climate deal because they were financially unable to continue in a free market world. So Europe gets to claim undeserved credit for losing that industry that no longer pollutes.

As for the EU being a foe? Trump is damn right that the EU is a foe. It is a proto-empire eager to remove the prefix. It is too dangerous of an entity to let it strengthen.

The Iran deal is a mess and simply a shield to protect Iran's drive for nuclear weapons and actually dulled American responses to Iranian aggression in order to protect the sacred deal.

Trump "belittled" NATO allies that failed to match the Obama-era pledge to push toward spending 2% of GDP on defense by 2024! That pressure strengthens NATO even as America has reinforced American power in Europe to defend Europe--including returning a corps headquarters to Europe in Poland.

Paralyzing the WTO is outside of my lane but I bet we can safely call BS on this charge given that trade seems to be rolling along. The Europeans just don't like it that America has worked to balance terms of trade that historically had been tilted against America since the aftermath of World War II.

As for WHO, America withdrew because WHO had acted as the Chinese Communist Party's hand puppet during the outbreak of the Xi Jinping Flu epidemic, allowing it to become a pandemic affecting Europe and America severely, not to mention the rest of the world. 

The EU apparatchik deliberately obscures the difference between geographic Europe of separate countries which America has strong emotional and strategic ties to and political Europe unified under the control of the EU which is a foe of America that seeks to weaken NATO and eject America from the continent.

So naturally the EU apparatchiki hope Biden will "fix" trans-Atlantic relations to allow political Europe to cut deals with autocratic China and hopefully punish Britain for leaving that Heaven-on-Earth lest other vassals get similar ideas of escaping. 

I've noted that Putin must get night sweats when you consider that the USSR's tanks and secret police were amateurs in holding an empire together compared to the ever-expanding cheese regulations that bind states to the EU in too much red tape to escape easily.

God help us, I think the apparatchiki are right in what they expect.