Monday, November 04, 2019

Killing MPFs is Fun and Easy

The Army is working to give its infantry better anti-tank capabilities:

The U.S. Army and Raytheon plan to enter production of a new Lightweight Command Launch Unit for the Javelin designed to bring a new level of “precision lethality to an infantry squad.” The new Lightweight CLU unit enables much greater standoff distance for infantry attacking tanks by doubling the attack range from 2.5km to 4.5km, developers said.

The Army must think that enemy armies won't have similar capabilities given its insistence that light tanks (or "mobile protected firepower," or whatever the Army wants to call the Future Burned-Out Hulks to disguise their basic weakness) are all our infantry units need to go toe-to-toe with heavier opponents (in certain limited scenarios, the Army insists).

Still, dismounted infantry has to face potent enemy artillery, as a link in this post graphically explains.

A lot of things on a modern battlefield can kill light armor. Let's not put our troops in those flaming coffins and let's not kid ourselves that our infantry is safe under their protection.