Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Truth is Out There

This guy wants a serious investigation into UFOs because of three reasons:

1) The national security threat of advanced technology that we don't have;

2) The threat of collisions (!) with these UFOs;

3) To combat global warming (!); and

4) Humans will discard "baser" motives (oh, freeing Iraq from Saddam's depravity was morally wrong?) in favor of "loftier" and "nobler" goals.

What is really funny is that the author said there were three reasons, but I really don't think 1 and 2 are one reason.

Oh, and he proposes a "civilian-led quick reaction force could be established to rapidly assess such incidents."

Okay, I'll say it--call that force "the X-Files."

My view is that if there really are aircraft with advanced technology flying around out there, they are experimental American aircraft.

Or we are just trying to scare the crap out of Russia and China who will assume these incidents are American experimental craft with a clever disinformation campaign.

And note that this piece was in The Hill and not The Onion or The Babylon Bee. That was a seriously funny story.

Unless the author is part of the American disinformation campaign. The truth is out there, somewhere.