Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Rising Sun of Democracy This Time

Japan's military footprint in Asia is expanding, much to China's annoyance.

This is good for freedom in Asia:

Japan is continuing to enhance its security presence in Asia and the western Pacific, as the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks to continue defense posture reforms and counter China’s military activities in the region.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, or JMSDF, continues to send its ships on cruises and port visits throughout the region, and it conducts bilateral and multilateral exercises with allies and partners. The force also is continuing efforts to bolster the capabilities of Asia’s weaker forces to safeguard their respective maritime interests. ...

Koh told Defense News that China is unlikely to see Japan’s increasing presence in the South China Sea as a welcome move, given that Beijing previously criticizing Japan for what it sees as direct interference in South China Sea disputes by building up the maritime security capacity of China’s rival claimants.

He added that as Japan works alongside other powers such as India and the U.S. to form a united front against Chinese influence in the region, Beijing is likely to specifically take issue with their deployed warships and multilateral naval exercises.

Japan's current growing posture was telegraphed more than a decade ago, of course.