Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Testing, One, Two, Three

The 3-ship Zumwalt class "destroyer" can be used to fight, of course, but its main value is testing new technology on an actual warship:

By pointing to the Zumwalt as a “bridge” or transition to the future of war, given its collection of emerging, yet promising technologies, the essay refers to the DDG 1000 as “the ship that will help pull these technologies out of various laboratories and ground test sites and get them deployed to sea, where they could revolutionize warfare at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels.”

I noted this role not too long ago:

The 3-ship Zumwalt class of super destroyers won't have a round for its gun. Face it, the ship is really only suited as a platform to test new technologies and not a part of the fleet.

And as I link to in that post, thank God that the ship no longer has a littoral mission of shore bombardment.