Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Rank the Threats By Power and Not Volume

Sure America and Russia should want better relations. We do have a common problem of China that should help smooth things out. right?

America is willing to be nice to Russia, as our post-Cold War policies that reached out to Russia and de-fanged our Europe-based military attest.

Yes we expanded NATO east because the former Soviet vassal states freely chose that out of fear Russia would (again) expand west.

Despite what Putin may claim, an expanded NATO is not a threat to Russia and Russia should not threaten NATO and create the threat the Russians fear. We clearly have other missions for our military in both Asia and the Middle East and would prefer not to have a pointless conflict with Russia in Europe.

The question is whether the Russians will benefit from beatings by the Reality Stick and agree. Sadly, Democrats with their white hot anger from being recent converts to the struggle against Russia complicate the effort to focus on the main threat China while containing Russia and trying to split them off from China which is a threat to Russia's Far East.

Russians are being a-holes, no doubt. But they aren't particularly powerful a-holes short of nuclear warfare. A little perspective please--until the Russians get some, too.