Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Just Say Nyet to Russian "Help"

Why on Earth would Japan want to let Russia muck around in the Iran issue?

On Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's help in dealing with Iran, after Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that Abe was considering a trip to Tehran as early as mid-June.

"Traditionally Japan has had friendly ties with Iran," a Japanese Foreign Ministry official told a media briefing after the meeting of the four ministers.

"There were comments from the Japanese side that Japan aims to play a role by taking advantage of such ties. The Russian side made a very positive comment in response," the official said.

Russia wouldn't cry if Iran, which stages "death to America" rallies, got nuclear weapons.

I'm happy to have Japan's help. But don't let Russia's stated support for Japan's effort evolve into actual Russian involvement.

Good grief, don't ever let Russia inside any issue to "help" us.

UPDATE: I’m sure Russia would help Iran in this area.

UPDATE: Huh. Is this a tit for Iran’s tat for attacking Gulf tankers recently?

As the strategic port of Shahid Rajaee, north of the Strait of Hormuz, was still dealing with the effects of a huge fire that caused serious destruction, Iranian media reported that six Iranian ships were ablaze in several ports in the southern part of the country.

I doubt this the kind of help Russia was offering. Tip to InstaPundit.

UPDATE: Iran remains active in the new tanker war, it seems.

UPDATE: America believes Iran attacked the tankers.

Iran denied laying mines in the Gulf in the 1980s “tanker war” even after we captured the ship laying mines. So Iranian denials now don’t mean much to me.

UPDATE: I’ve been warning for a while that we could get another tanker war.