Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Fourth Bush Term?

Ponder this.

Congress is attempting to support United Nations resolutions that demand certain Iranian nuclear behaviors stop, in defiance of the president who ignored the opinions of key regional allies by going over their heads with secret direct talks and making an agreement with the target of those UN resolutions in which Iran doesn't even admit to doing anything that the UN resolutions demand they stop.

I thought Bush 43 was the unilateral, UN-defying president and that President Obama was restoring our relations with the international community?

And to complete the trip down the rabbit hole, the president, The New York Times, and the mullahs are united in their outrage over the possibility that Congress might act! (Tip to Instapundit.)

Heck, the United Nations will probably be outraged by Congressional action, too.

It's curiouser and curiouser, no doubt.