Sunday, July 14, 2013

Half Right

The idea that we are preparing to fight China without civilian oversight is ridiculous. To equate it with China's actions is even more ridiculous.

So China and America are preparing for war without consulting their people?

Our military's job is to prepare to defend us--without popular votes on that planning, training, and weapons purchases.

But the president announced the ongoing shift. And Congress appropriates the money for the preparations to defend against China's rising military power. The president could order the military to prepare for war against whatever threat he perceives. And Congress could refuse to spend money or direct spending if it is unhappy with our defense preparations.

So put away that silly notion that our military is driving us to war with China behind the public's back.

Second, has the author noticed that our preparations go to defending allies and that we aren't even reflexively defending the status quo, but just insisting that negotiations rather than force resolve the disputes? China is the one making threats and taking actions to militarize disputes (even when so-called "civilian" assets are pushing neighbors around).

Maybe ask if authoritarian China--which uses nationalism to send mobs into the streets against approved foreign devils--is the one preparing for war. Leave us out of your paranoid delusions.