Thursday, May 02, 2013

An Omelete on the Menu?

Is the European Union only going to be killed by revolution in Europe?

This isn't the cheeriest assessment of the European Union (tip to Instapundit):

In a little under two minutes, Nigel Farage sums up the utter farce that "the religion" that Europe has become. He explains, his fear is that what will break up the Euro, "is not the economics of it, but wholesale, violent revolution," in the Mediterranean, and that is "all so unnecessary!"

It has seemed like this financial crisis in Europe has an 1848 vibe, hasn't it?

The EU has been happy to break many democratic eggs to get their happy united soft authoritarian future. Omeletes might not be on the menu, at this point. The peasants truly might be revolting, as the EU elites think.

UPDATE: Related thoughts.