Saturday, March 09, 2013

Some Opinions Are More Respected Than Others

School insanity continues:

In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials at an elementary school in small-town Michigan impounded a third-grader boy’s batch of 30 homemade birthday cupcakes because they were adorned with green plastic figurines representing World War Two soldiers.

The school principal branded the military-themed cupcakes “insensitive” in light of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, reports Fox News Radio.

“It disgusted me,” Casey Fountain, the boy’s father, told Fox News. “It’s vile they lump true American heroes with psychopathic killers.”

Well, sure. Considering that deranged World War II veterans burst into Sandy Hook Elementary and gunned down innocent children. Wait. That didn't happen? Oh ...

And even with time to think, the school's administrators defended their action to remove the toy soldiers:

"These are toys that were commonplace in the past,” Wright said. “However, some parents prohibit all guns as toys. In light of that difference, the school offered to replace the soldiers with another item and the soldiers were returned home with the student.”

“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” the principal also said. “In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere.”

Apparently, those with anti-gun views aren't to be exposed to the opinion that American soldiers in World War II used their guns to defend our freedoms and liberate conquered people. We don't even have to get to the last decade plus of American troops going overseas to help protect us. We're talking the ultimate "good" war fought by the "Greatest Generation" here. They fought Nazis, Fascists, and Militarists! Communists may have their fervent defenders here despite the higher body count, but not even Fascists have that many supporters these days.

Yes, that failure to distinguish is vile.

So no, the school is not respecting differing opinions. The side that doesn't allow their children to have toy guns has a veto over displays of opinion on that subject.

Which is kind of confusing, since in the gun debate, the control side keeps saying that only people in authority should have weapons. Don't toy soldiers then represent both sides of the debate?

And no, that decision did nothing to keep the school safe.

Look, I could at least respect the school more if they defended their action on the refusal to allow any type of decoration like that. I could see some parents wanting to send in little pro-abortion adornments, crosses, hammers and sickles, peace signs, Darwin fish, Metallica logos, or whatever, to make a point. And there will be parents who will get upset over any little thing. Why invite more grief in your work day, eh?

But to say that banning World War II toy soldiers helps teach non-violence is ridiculous. How do they teach any history at all?

If ensuring a safe and peaceful atmosphere is the issue, have more adult supervision during recess!

Heck, in this day and age I should be grateful that the school allows cupcakes into the school. For some reading the story, that was probably the biggest outrage of the incident. Put swastikas on a plate of carrot sticks, and they'd be fine with that.

UPDATE: At least we aren't as bad as the British (tip to Instapundit):

For 15 years she has proudly served her country as a Royal Navy engineer, risking her life in Afghanistan when she fought against the Taliban.

But far from showing Nicky Howse the respect she deserved as she flew back to her latest posting, Virgin Atlantic staff chose to humiliate her – by demanding that she remove her uniform because it was ‘offensive’.

They warned the 32-year-old helicopter technician she would not be allowed to fly unless she took off her combat fatigues and wore a sleep suit instead.

That's shameful.

And perhaps the sidebar showing how Americans still support our troops even after more than a decade of war, maybe Virgin Atlantic will be shamed into changing their policy.

UPDATE: Idiots have power over us.

Since we can't stop idiots from using the petty authority they have to muck things up, stop granting that authority in the first place rather than trying to find non-idiots to exercise that authority.