Friday, March 08, 2013

But, Hey, Rodman Likes The Un

As North Korea throws a hissy fit and threatens to nuke us, I want you to keep in mind that this has been prompted by our efforts to deny North Korean the means to build nukes and the ability to import luxury goods for the elites to enjoy while the population starves and otherwise suffers in poverty:

The proposed resolution would make it significantly harder for North Korea to move around the funds it needs to carry out its illicit programs and strengthen existing sanctions and the inspection of suspect cargo bound to and from the country. It would also ban countries from exporting specific luxury goods to the North, including yachts, luxury automobiles, racing cars, and jewelry with semi-precious and precious stones and precious metals.

It will be a good day when the North Korean regime collapses and angry subjects hunt down anyone with a BMI greater than 30 and string them up from lamp posts.

But I'm sure fools in the West will cry when Kim Jong Un meets an untimely death.