Monday, November 05, 2012

A Matter of Trust

This guy cracks me up:

The Republican nominee has surrounded himself with advisors who are committed to military action and regime change against Iran, the same people who brought us the Global War on Terror and the Iraq War.

Romney will go to war to stop Iran from going nuclear. That's bad, apparently.

What's really funny is that President Obama has repeatedly said that it is unacceptable for Iran to go nuclear and that every option, including the military option, is on the table.

This guy trusts that President Obama is insincere in his resolve.

Apparently, nobody opposed to stopping Iran from going nuclear believes President Obama will use force any more than people who are willing to use force to stop Iran from going nuclear believe the president could ever carry out that last resort of military action.

And I'd like to protest that al Qaeda brought us the war on terror and Saddam brought us the Iraq War.

But I digress (as I can!).

This election is a matter of trust, after all, as the president claims.