Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Saving Us From Ourselves

So just as I'm getting a little embarrassed that fellow voters disappointed that President Obama won reelection have petitioned for secession for their states (with no legal basis for doing so, I'll add), the president's defenders save me by doubling down on embarrassment by demanding the stripping of civil liberties for those who sign secession petitions:

"Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported," the full petition reads.

Huh. It seems like just yesteradministration that dissent--and secession--was Holy. Then, expressions by dissenters that they wanted to leave the country--in part because of "federal imperialism" and war, no less--were signs of why the administration was morally wrong.

And now dissent against The One who is expanding the federal government into every part of our lives and who waged war on Libya while denying he was waging war (remember those heady days of "time-limited and scope-limited kinetic actions" that fell outside the War Powers Act?) is to be punished by executive fiat.

Thank you my excitable Left for saving the reputation of the despondent Right by doubling down on stupid.

We're all Americans and we're pretty much staying put, pretty much guaranteeing that about half the population will be unhappy with what the other half wants.

Get over it. Work the problems.