Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Nobody will sell Taiwan submarines. I think they desperately need them to counter Chinese surface ships, contest invasions, and counter-blockade Chinese shipping. In addition, just one Taiwanese submarine equipped with Harpoon missiles that can get to sea in time of war gives us the chance to quietly intervene with our own subs before we openly intervene.

So will Taiwan try to build them on their own? From my Jane's email updates:

Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence (MND) has questioned whether the island's leading shipbuilder could build submarines, with Defence Minister Kao Hua-chu on 14 March describing a proposal by Taiwan International Shipbuilding Corporation (TSBC) as "bold and muddle headed". TSBC has said it can build submarines if it can purchase advanced technology and work in collaboration with foreign companies. The MND says it is "reviewing" TSBC's proposal, but has yet to evaluate the feasibility of Taiwan building its own submarine fleet[.]

Stop questioning it! And stop trying to build the best sub you can the first try! This has been dragging on too long. China's anti-submarine capabilities are deficient, and any bloody thing the Taiwanese can get in the water will be a threat to the Chinese navy. I don't care how noisy it is.

I mean, come on, Colombian drug dealers are starting to build submarines. A modern nation's shipbuilding industry can build something even if it doesn't match what experienced sub builders can do. And over time, the Taiwanese will get better--just as China is getting better at building weapons.

Taiwan doesn't need to start building an entire class. Build one. Put it in the sea. Build another one--better, this time--and continue that build-learn-build sequence. Start with small subs that can only operate within 100 miles of Taiwan and then go larger. At some point if the Taiwanese have the confidence they've gotten it mostly right, build a bunch. Export some to Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and anyone else who might like having them.

Launch something!