Sunday, May 01, 2011

They Peaked Already

Afghanistan Taliban continue to fight:

Taliban-led insurgents killed at least 11 people across Afghanistan in a renewed springtime offensive on Sunday despite a huge security clampdown, hours after the United Nations pleaded for all sides to avoid civilian casualties.

The hardline Islamists have warned civilians to stay away from public gatherings, military bases and convoys, as well as government offices, because those sites would be the target of a wave of attacks beginning on Sunday.

One, the Taliban don't care about civilian casualties. That's what they do.

And two, when you have to announce that you are starting an offensive it indicates that the announcement was probably the high point of the offensive.

Remember, Taliban spring offensives are legendary for being hyped and then amounting to simply more rounds of getting their asses kicked.

UPDATE: Ah, the Taliban! They started their offensive with a 12-year-ols suicide bomber who killed 4 civilians.