Friday, May 20, 2011

Defining Mixed Emotions

I think this story pretty much replaces the joke that "mixed emotions" can be described as watching your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your brand new car:

Ted Rall's cartoons and opinion pieces were all the rage when he was attacking George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and American soldiers.

But now that there's a man in the White House the press absolutely adore, the once syndicated polemicist claims he's having a hard time getting anyone to publish his work[.]

To be clear, Rall is the mother-in-law and cartoons criticizing the President are the new car.

Rall is a vile and disgusting man, as far as I'm concerned, who is so radical that he makes our president look like Ronald Reagan. So I can't work up any sympathy for the fact that Rall is having trouble selling his work even if his bile is turned against President Obama.

But this quote from Rall (forgive me) is a nice reminder of what most so-called "liberals" really are:

What's weird is that these cultish attitudes come from editors and publishers whose politics line up neatly with mine. They oppose the bailouts. They want us out of Afghanistan and Iraq. They disapprove of Obama's new war against Libya. They want Obama to renounce torture and Guantánamo.

Obama is the one they ought to be blackballing. He has been a terrible disappointment to the American left. He has forsaken liberals at every turn. Yet they continue to stand by him. Which means that, in effect, they are not liberals at all. They are militant Democrats. They are Obamabots.

So there you go. If the right person does something, it's ok--or at least not so bad that it inspires outrage and sends them into the streets in protest. It's just all about political power for them.