Thursday, May 05, 2011

I Guess the Problem Wasn't With Bush

Why, yes, as long as you asked. The answer is definitely yes.

You'd have to be an idiot to answer otherwise. Or European, of course. Sheesh, even our press corps isn't that addled.

Yet another demonsration of why I believe Europeans can be our friends but not Europe as a single entity.

I've said all along that the problems we've had with our traditional "old European" allies wasn't the fault of President George W. Bush. Now we know for sure.

UPDATE: Charles Krauthammer addresses the twaddle of those who are tut-tutting American happiness at the death of bin Laden. Good. I don't have the patience for it. My God, if you don't understand the difference between being happy that we killed an enemy responsible for thousand of our dead and who prayed to his god for the opportunity to kill millions of us on the one hand; and the happiness of foreign crowds over the deaths of thousands that bin Laden killed on 9/11, well, you're just ... well, Old European at heart.