Thursday, May 05, 2011

Billions and Billions

I just came back from a school field trip with Lamb. They went to a planetarium, which gave a pretty good show.

It didn't really feel like I went on a field trip since I went in my own car and met the bus there. So I saw Lamb get off the bus, walked with her inside while chatting with Lamb and some of her friends, told Lamb to sit with her classmates rather than me (I don't want to smother her, eh?), and then lost track of her in the dark while we had the show (nicely done, too). The lights went up, I walked with Lamb back to the bus for the return to school, and then I was off to Kroger for weekly shopping.

But I was there. And Lamb knows I made it. So some parental credit adds up. Sometimes, just being there is what counts.