Friday, September 17, 2010


Mister made it on the middle school soccer team today. Try outs were this week and last week.

Mister wasn't eager to play soccer, since he really isn't a joiner. I sympathize. If it was up to me, I wouldn't make him join groups. I remain grateful that my parents never made me join anything. To her credit, Mister's mom insisted he do something. I backed her. And I talked it up as I took him last week for his sports physical. Mister insisted he'd try to fail. I didn't even bring up the cost of going shopping with him last weekend for soccer gear that would get used for a week or so if he truly tried to fail.

But he tried. And continued to try even when he twisted his ankle. And today, Mister made it on the team. Lamb and I sat a distance away to avoid the humiliation of dad and little sister cheering him on. And after he was called up at the end of practice by the coach, I saw him leap over some gym bags on the way to get his. Despite his sore ankle. Oh yeah, he made it. And was happy. He high fived some friends who also made it on the team.

He doesn't know if he'll be first string goalkeeper or not, but we'll see. And I'll take him to a park with a net to practice on weekends.

I'm obviously quite proud he made it. And proud he wanted to do his best even when he protested over the whole concept.

And after two months, he'll have fulfilled his "do something" mandate and he can return to his usual hobbies and interests.