Friday, September 17, 2010

Clearly Islamophobic

The cartoonist Molly Norris is fearful of Islamists:

The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, "going ghost": moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program—except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab. It's all because of the appalling fatwa issued against her this summer, following her infamous "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" cartoon.

It's sad to see mindless, xenophobic, Islamophobia in action. I'm sure she is over-reacting, right?

The left side of the aisle like to pretend that they are the ones who are Moslem friendly by denouncing as "Islamophobic" any American who raises questions about the threat of Islamists.

But by jumping to defend all Moslems whenever the question is about Islamist fanatics, aren't these self-proclaimed defenders of the Islamic faith actually the ones who assume all Moslems must be jihadi-friendly? If you can't denounce jihadis or question Islamist thinking because it is assumed that all Moslems will be insulted, aren't you assuming all Moslems agree with the jihadis and Islamist thinking?

I have no problem accepting that only a minority of Moslems are a threat to us. But I also have no problem accepting that we need to kill as many of that violent minority as we can. And I assume that most Moslems will be relieved that there are fewer jihadis that, in practice, manage to kill far more Moslems than Infidels.

Molly Norris is not Islamophobic to hide when Islamists actually want to kill her.

We haven't won until Ms. Norris lives openly and those who wish her dead have to "go ghost" for their own safety.