Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Crazy is as Crazy Does?

I get worried when a loony tune talks as if one blow will send us toppling down, clearing the way for his vision of Heaven on Earth:

In Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's most recent televised speech on Iran State TV, the Iranian President upped the ante on his promised February 11 "telling blow against global arrogance" with his prediction of the "end of American civilization."

“This means the end of a civilization, the end of a thought, and the end of a system." That is how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad qualified his statement regarding the "end of American civilization" that he referred to in his most recent televised speech in homage to the 'Ten Day Dawn' anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Events will culminate on February 11th with "a telling blow against global arrogance," according to the Iranian President's previous speech marking the opening of ceremonies for the anniversary. During this most recent speech, Ahmadinejad claimed that the West, the United States in particular, had been the biggest historical impediment to the worldwide Islamic Revolution[.]

We are far more robust than that image, and we'd survive very harsh--even nuclear--attacks and recover, given time. But if Ahmadinejad actually believes we are fragile, he'll take that shot.

Remember, Osama bin Laden pretty much believed he'd knock us down if he could knock down our major symbolic buildings on 9/11. Ahmadinejad knows mere symbolic destruction (albeit with 3,000 vey non-symbolic dead) won't topple us, but he might believe nuclear weapons provide the shot that would be hard enough to destroy our society.

UPDATE: Austin Bay has more on the lunatic lounge lizard's threats and position.