Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hurray for Hollywood!

Venezuela is on the road to economic ruin:

Venezuela slips further into chaos. Water, power and food shortages increase, and inflation is running at 25 percent a year. People publicly mock president Chavez, who uses his control of the legislature to pass more laws that will keep him in power. If Chavez will not allow himself to be voted out, he faces insurrection.

After years of American leftists like Danny Glover, Sean Penn, and other blazing intellects cheering on Hugo's lunatic economic policies and ambitions for dictatorship, should we not thank these people as unintentional useful idiots for us?

If Bush had tried to do to Venezuela what these Leftist actors have applauded as Hugo's brilliant socialist initiatives, Bush would be under indictment by some obscure Spanish or Belgian judge for war crimes.