Sunday, January 10, 2010

Name That War Crime!

So if one entity launches 150* warheads into a sovereign state and another launches 53, who will human rights activists accuse of violating international law and who will be described--even by a good source--as largely behaving themselves?

If you said the side with 150 strikes in their tally is the criminal side, you'd be wrong!

But don't feel bad, I failed to mention critical information. Hamas launched the 150 into Israel (*and that is just since the Gaza Winter War ended in mid-January 2009) and America launched the 53 into Pakistan.

Notwithstanding the cooperation of Pakistan in these strikes agaisnt terrorists who threaten America, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, the global human rights industry is upset with America's efforts to kill terrorists who target us and is just fine with the Hamas deliberate attacks on civilians.