Monday, January 25, 2010

Missing the Point

The North Koreans are still upset about South Korea's totally rational view that they might have to preemptively strike North Korea's nuclear facilties if it looked like North Korea was about to strike.

North Korea is still whining and just making threats that indicate they miss the entire point of Seoul's worries:

The North's General Staff of the Korean People's Army warned the South Korean defence chief's recent remarks on a preemptive strike had created a "grave situation" which could lead to war "at any moment."

The North's armed forces "will take prompt and decisive military actions against any attempt of the South Korean puppet authorities... and blow up the major targets including the commanding centre," it said, according to the Korean Central News Agency.

So, the North Koreans think that it makes sense to threaten South Korea with an attack if it looks like the South might strike the North, when the South is worried it might have to attack the North if it seems like the North will attack South Korea.
Did anyone up North diagram that bit of logic? Given the rapid erosion of Pyongyang's military strength compared to the strength of the South, North Korea is really in no position to keep issuing threats when the South might just decide it is worth it to decapitate the North's nuclear and command abilities.