Friday, January 15, 2010

The Plastic Arugula Issue

After all the Lefty complaints about the so-called plastic turkey that President Bush carried in Baghdad, while he visited with the troops (and which was in fact a real turkey and not a prop), grant me that this news from the current White House is funny:

The produce used on the Food Network’s Jan. 3 Iron Chef of America two-hour special White House show was billed as being from the White House garden. But the show did not disclose that “stunt double vegetables” were used and not produce from the First Family’s garden.

This has to be a metaphor illustrating a grander truth, right? I'm sure it will be repeated for the rest of the president's term in office whenever a reporter or critic wishes to undermine the president's message.

Of course, if spun the right way, this could work out well. Imagine the disclaimer, "No actual White House vegetables were harmed in the making of this show."