Saturday, January 02, 2010

The Luxury to Remain Silent

We are at war with al Qaeda.

Abdulmutallab was sent to attack us on Christmas day by al Qaeda, as our president understands. This, of course, is a change from the initial reaction by our government that the man was a lone wolf.

So, if we want to apply big-brained, nuanced thinking to the facts of this issue, logically it makes sense that Abdulmutallab is a terrorist and not a criminal suspect.

So shouldn't we base our classification of the man based on his status as an unlawful combatant of an organization we are at war with? Are we really going to continue to treat him as a criminal with all the legal rights that our constitution grants him rather than imprison him and interrogate him for what he know about his fellow jihadis? You know, so we can stop them and maybe even capture or kill them? Huh? Maybe?

I'm guessing we pay to lawyer Abdulmutallab up with our finest ACLU types who sincerely believe they are upholding our finest ideals by trying to get the scum let loose in a civilian court. We're giving him rights he has no grounds to claim.