Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Time to Step Back

I freely admit I've enjoyed the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit affair. Over the years, I have found the pro-global warming side insufferable in their arrogance and their refusal to actually defend their positions by insisting the science is settled and anyone who raises doubts is an eco-criminal. And since their solutions were suspiciously socialist in nature, their science results seemed far too conventient for them.

The data dump does not, I must admit, prove the global warmers are wrong. But it does show that the global warmers have not proven global warming sufficiently to justify their socialist solutions that intrude into our lives and freedoms. Their methods and motives are too sloppy and underhanded. The data dump shows that they have not been practicing science.

I'll repeat what I wrote three years ago:

One, I'm not convinced that the temperatures today are higher over a long enough period to be considered the highest ever rather than a blip in the long run.

Two, I'm not convinced that people are at fault for any rise even if there is a significant rise in temperatures this century.

And three, and this is the most important part, I think the idea that we must cripple economic growth in order to slow any increase in temperatures is sheer stupidity. Coping with change is cheaper and more effective than trying to stem the incoming tide.

I'm game. Let the global warmers start over with the data freed for all to look at, and we'll try to do actual science on the questions instead of acting like this is a religion and skeptics are just heretics who haven't been burned yet.
Not that I'll stop enjoying the global warmers squirm some more.

UPDATE: Watermelons--the whole lot of them. Don't worry about them. If the communists turned greens lose their latest reason for controlling our lives because of Climategate, they'll just switch to full-blown religion and claim God wants us to stop emitting carbon dioxide. Remember, no one expects the Global Warming Inquisition!

UPDATE: Hey! Actual hockey stick graphs! Now that's something that might weigh on the president's mind at Copenhagen.