Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Laugh at the Clown! Laugh!

Hugo Chavez is basically why God gave us JDAMs, as far as I'm concerned. He is attempting to advance from his supporting role as a charter member of the Axis of El Vil to a big player in the Axis of Evil.

But however much this thug aspires to super villain status, let's not forget Chavez is a clown. Colombia's defense minister certainly hasn't forgotten that fact:

Chavez on Sunday accused the United States of violating Venezuela's airspace with an unmanned spy plane and ordered his military to be on alert and shoot down any such aircraft.

The Pentagon has declined to comment on Chavez's accusations.

Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva and armed forces commander Freddy Padilla told reporters Monday that Colombian aircraft couldn't fly the kind of espionage mission described by Chavez.

"Colombia doesn't have that capability," said Silva. He quipped that perhaps "Venezuelan soldiers mistook Father Christmas' sleigh for a spy plane."
Good one, Minister Silva.

Chavez deserves a lot more mockery directed at him. And a JDAM, of course.