Thursday, December 03, 2009

Rotating the Nutjobs

I think we can all be happy that President Obama has not, in fact, faced a rash of death threats from Confederate flag-waving, gun-toting, Bible-thumping, inbred Red staters:

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan, testifying today about the state dinner security breach, refuted stories that President Obama has received more threats than previous presidents.

"The threats are not up," Sullivan said, adding that they receive about the same amount of threats against Obama as they did for presidents Clinton and Bush.

So there you go. The gun and God clingers are no more nutso than the BDS sufferers and the militia types of past years. Everyone gets a turn to be seriously in need of a life (and Secret Service visit)!

Which is strangely comforting, actually. The fringe actors are called that for a reason.