Maybe I'm reading the whole Nobel Prize Affair the wrong way.
Stay with me, here. Sure, it's been fun mocking the Nobel committee, President Obama, and his lackeys who refuse to see the ridiculousness of the affair and defend the president's award to the hilt. But this might have been the biggest mistake the Euros could have made if their goal is to constrain America's freedom of action.
The European elites are delighted to have the first European president of the United States. They think he's all international communityish and post-John Wayne metrosexualism in international affairs. So naturally they reward President Obama, expecting to get more of this.
But consider what President Obama has done notwithstanding Euro hopes, even as he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize:
--We continue to fight in Iraq (at reduced levels admittedly).
--We escalated the fighting in Afghanistan through this year.
--We killed several pirates off of Somalia with snipers.
--We launched a raid into Somalia to kill jihadis.
--We continue to intercept communications overseas.
--We continue to hold jihadis in Guantanamo Bay.
--We continue to shoot at jihadis in Pakistan with UAVs.
We did all this under President Obama over the course of this year, and he still got the friggin' Nobel Peace Prize!
I'm serious. This is what we can do and still be recognized as the greatest promoter of peace in the eyes of the Euro-weenie social-democrats?
I'm thinking we could bomb Iran for a month and a half and blockade them, and the Euro-weenies will refuse to admit they might have made a mistake. They'll double down and insist President Obama has potential.
Shoot, the President can use the stature of the prize to lecture the Euros that surely they understand that he, President Obama, knows how best to achieve peace in the face of fanatical Iranian pursuit of nuclear weapons.
And even if President Obama won't use this "get out of jail free card" to defend us, every future president can do exactly what President Obama has done while winning the Nobel Peace Prize, asking how the Europeans can possibly complain about what we do to defend ourselves.
The Euros think they've tied us down. They may have just tied themselves up by giving us a license to kill.