Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stubborn Is as Stubborn Does

It's funny that the left side of the aisle constantly harangued President Bush to "admit mistakes" (whether he had or not) and move on--as if they wouldn't stick it to him for making a mistake. He was just stubborn, his opponents charged.

Is President Obama failing to admit a mistake by insisting that what happened in Honduras was a coup? Or is he relying on some secret legal analysis?

Remember, The Congressional Research Service concluded there was no coup and only a mistake in booting Zelaya out of the country. So in their desire to avoid bloodshed, the Hondurans failed to arrest and try Zelaya for violating their constitution. No good deed goes unpunished, eh? But the administration continues to act as if there was a coup in Honduras.

I swear I won't jump on Obama for coming to his senses and supporting democrats arrayed against communists and leftist thugs trying to install Zelaya back in the presidency.

I'll be too relieved to gloat.