Friday, June 06, 2008

Just Another Distinct Society

Mark Steyn and Maclean's magazine are on trial. The Canadian so-called human rights tribunals that they sit before should be on trial.

I've wondered if Europe's future in the face of rising Moslem numbers who don't seem to assimilate all that well so far, can be seen in today's Lebanon where modern Western lifestyles exist alongside jihad institutions:

The extremes of the Middle East — the Western-style consumerism exemplified by Dubai's skyscrapers and the cult of holy war that flourishes in Iraq and the Gaza Strip — collide head-on in Lebanon.

The Steyn show trial (you can follow along here) can perhaps be seen in this light as the Canadian Islamists strive to take advantage of the human rights tribunals scattered across Canada to suppress any criticism of radical Islam:

There are clear signs that supporters and sympathizers of militant Islam are deeply interested in using Canada's Human Rights Commissions as the new vehicle for the ‘courtroom Jihad'. One indicator came from the Toronto Star on June 26th 2006 in an article by Faisal Kutty; then vice-chair of the Canadian Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-Canada) and general counsel for the Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association. The article “Good intentions are not enough” argues that Human Rights Commissions need more funding, expanded powers and increased powers of punishment.

To what end are these expanded powers and increased powers of punishment to be used?

Perhaps to achieve the duality of Lebanon. Let Sharia coexist with English Common Law. Heck, what's the harm, eh? Canada already recognizes one Distinct Society in Canada. What's one more distinct society? Signs in English and French, whether or not any French speakers live nearby? No problem.

And if a large group of mostly Christian European-Canadians are distinct from the larger group of mostly Christian European-Canadians, how can you argue that Moslems aren't enough of a society or distinct enough?

So what's the big deal with insisting on Sharia or Sharia-friendly laws, thoughts, and writings even in areas of Canada with no Moslems who wish to live under Sharia? English kids now take French language classes and French kids take English in school, right? In the future, Canadian Christian, Jewish, and Hindu kids can take classes in Islam to "undestand" their distinct neighbors. And in turn, Moslem kids will take courses in Hindu, Jewish, and Christian beliefs to foster toleration.

HAHAHAHAHA! Ok, just kidding on that last one! I'm sure that would be insulting and demeaning to Canadian Moslems and would never be allowed--certainly not by any self-respecting "human rights" tribunal! Heck, can English speakers ever find an English sign in larger than 2-point font in Quebec? Distinction is a one-way street. And with the French language it is probably fairly harmless, I suppose. But with the, ah, more excitable distinction of pro-Sharia radical Moslems, the repercussions will be far more serious and certainly harmful to Canada.

I had assumed Canada would enjoy the distinction of being the first oil-exporting powerhouse to avoid economic and societal disaster. But with Sharia on the march up north, perhaps Canada just joins the rule rather than being the exception to the rule.

The proceedings that Steyn is enduring are certainly a joke. But this is a high stakes game. Canada would do well to get out of this game while they still have their freedoms.