Monday, June 16, 2008

Cherry Picking

Instapundit notes Kirchick's take on the partisan-tinged way the recent Senate report on pre-war administration statements about Iraq under Saddam:

If Democrats wish to contend they were "misled" into war, they should vent their spleen at the CIA.

In 2003, top Senate Democrats -- not just Rockefeller but also Carl Levin, Clinton, Kerry and others -- sounded just as alarmist. Conveniently, this month's report, titled "Whether Public Statements Regarding Iraq by U.S. Government Officials Were Substantiated by Intelligence Information," includes only statements by the executive branch. Had it scrutinized public statements of Democrats on the Intelligence, Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees -- who have access to the same intelligence information as the president and his chief advisors -- many senators would be unable to distinguish their own words from what they today characterize as warmongering.

And a YouTube stroll down memory lane for the real connoisseurs of fruit salad.

We had many reasons to destroy the Saddam regime and I am glad we rid the world of that despot and his demon spawn. Hold fast despite our casualties and expenses to collect the rewards that flow from that result and we will make the world safer for us and better as a whole. Lose in Iraq, and of course the sacrifice won't have been worth it. That's true of any war no matter how noble the cause.

Ultimately, knowing the other side refuses to address the entire issue and focuses only on the Bush administration demonstrates the utter falsity of their charge that Bush lied.