Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Nightmare, Indeed

Even Stars and Stripes can't get retired LTG Sanchez's "nightmare" comment in proper context:

On Friday, Sanchez, the former top commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, slammed the handling of the war and gave a bleak assessment of the current situation in Iraq. He also criticized the media for its war coverage.

“There is no question that America is living a nightmare with no end in sight,” Sanchez told a convention of military journalists.

LTG Sanchez did not direct that comment at the Iraq campaign!

Sanchez very pointedly did say we've made mistakes in the Iraq War. He was not kind to our leaders on this point. But as I noted in my post on his speech, Sanchez was clearly not talking about Iraq with this "nightmare" quote that continues to be reported. He was speaking of our inability to unite the country in a coherent strategy that applies all elements of our national power to winning the war against Islamist extremism. That was the nightmare we are enduring in his view, as I commented about his speech:

Far from a condemnation of the President and his administration, our global war's objectives, or even the prospect of achieving success in Iraq, it is a plea for a full war effort by our nation for the wider war on extremists.

And it is a condemnation of our politicians who neglect a national war effort to promote their partisan domestic goals at the expense of troops fighting and dying in the field. It is a plea to win this war.

Clearly, in regard to our press and their inability to actually report accurately, we are living a nightmare with no end in sight. Oh yeah, Sanchez went into that point rather extensively, too.