Saturday, October 01, 2005

Include the Gift Receipt

Anti-war Westerners like to argue that a whole range of our crimes inspire our jihadi enemies to kill us. Aside from the question of why mass murder should be the rational response to a grievance, the reasons put forth by the anti-war people here may be reasons they hate America but don't seem to be the reasons our enemies hate us.

The suicide bombers, it seems, have left details of what prompted them to seek so-called martyrdom by slaughtering their enemies:

[M]issing are some of the issues most commonly cited as driving anti-Americanism in the Arab world. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict barely registers on the jihadist radar, and Abu Ghraib merits few mentions. The motivation for jihad is almost always, in keeping with Salafi ideology, the plight of the humiliated Muslim nation, victimized by the joint evil forces of kufr (unbelief, embodied by the United States as the enemy bent on the destruction of Islam) and tawaghit (tyrants who have set themselves up, or are propped up, as gods on earth).

Give them everything the Left tells us has prompted their--if not justifiable--at least understandable rage will not even put a small dent in the enemy ranks of killers. We simply can't give them enough to stop them from trying to kill us.

As I've said before, trying to understand why they hate us is a futile endeavor. They are not reasons but excuses, and any excuse will do. Just hunt the jihadis down and kill them.

One day, the Moslem world will realize that the humiliation they feel has been caused by themselves and they may fix what is wrong with their own societies. Really, people, it isn't us--it's them.