Friday, January 03, 2014

My God, She's Awful

This has occurred to me before, but I am reminded again today that the spokeswoman for our State Department is the most awful spectacle of a government spokesperson I have ever seen in action, barring even Jay Carney as someone who just exudes zero credibility.

I didn't find today's assault on our sense of reality. Here's a gem from the past for your enjoyment:

I understand that a diplomat is an honorable person sent abroad to lie for their country. We, by contrast, got her.

Baghdad Bob would be an improvement.

UPDATE: Here it is! Here's the craptastically dishonest performance that finally set me off [in 2020 I found the need to find it again]:

/END UPDATE--continue original post:/

Her inability to acknowledge a simple fact--that the Obama administration really didn't want an agreement with Iraq to keep troops in Iraq after 2011--which is now inconvenient to the administration, by trying to claim it is irrelevant to today's problems, is just astounding.

Have no doubt. If Jay Carney calls it quits, you are looking at the new White House press secretary.