Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Unclear on the Concept

I appreciate that the Olympics wants to sex up the games with some good looking women before an event:

But was that really necessary for a sport with these athletes?

Honestly, save those cheerleaders for the shot put event.

It can only get better if lingerie pillow fighting becomes an Olympic event.

UPDATE: If I'm unclear, this is a sport that does not need cheerleaders:

And I'm not even going to test Blogger adult screening by discussing the Brazilian team.

People, the sport is its own advertisement. Just enjoy. And be grateful (tip to Instapundit) not every sport is photographed the way beach volleyball is captured.

I will--as the saying goes--be in my bunk.

UPDATE: Mad Minerva appreciates my love of sports. Her sports interests are tawdry and base, I'll add, in contrast to my pure love of the sport. But whatever.

I'm just sad that Logan Tom plays regular volleyball rather than beach volleyball.

UPDATE: Whoa. Tom used to play beach volleyball.

NOTE: Somehow I was distracted from photo credits. Go figure. Yahoo News Reuters provided the pictures, I'm sure.